Are you tired of living with pain?
Trauma can be the result of an experience you have lived through or a dynamic handed down from generation to generation. You have survived. Know that you have made it this far. But living life in pain physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually can feel exhausting.
Do you want freedom from suffering?
Symptoms such as anxiety, depression, addiction, self-harm, self-neglect, feeling overwhelmed and feeling isolated are results of surviving traumatic experiences. Healing Trauma with Hawa will guide you to learn how to release pain, fear, and images from the past.
Do you want to be in healthy relationships?
Open your heart to a deeper knowledge of love. Living life with unresolved trauma can make it uncomfortable to get close to people, because it reveals our unhealed wounds. Relationships can be especially painful until we learn how to move through what triggers us, taking responsibility for our emotions, needs, and healing process.
Learn systems for healing trauma that you can repeat as needed.
Life takes on new meaning, when you are open to taking chances in life that bring you excitement, connection, and true understanding of who you are and what your purpose is. Find that spark that makes you uniquely you, and amplify your contribution to the world with love.